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Biancomodena white condiment

Biancomodena is obtained from white grape must. It has a density of 1.28, a characteristic that makes it unique. This vinegar by Casa Rinaldi has a yellow-gold color, with bright and brilliant reflections. It is fragrant, with sweet and fruity notes reminiscent of the smell of berries. Their fragrance can also be appreciated when tasted,…

Biancomodena white condiment

Casa Rinaldi’s Roman style artichokes follow the ancient original recipe. Violet in color, these artichokes are carefully harvested and selected, defoliated and processed within one day. The stem, rich in iron and other nutrients, accompanies the most tender part of the artichoke, rich and precious in flavors. Aromatic herbs enhance its aroma, perfectly combining Roman…

Biancomodena white condiment

Casa Rinaldi’s 100% organic and Italian EVO oil has the traditional taste of made in Italy. This oil is cold pressed by mechanical pressing using Coratina, Ogliarola, Biancolilla, Cerasuola, Nocellara del Belice and Carolea variety olives. It contains a high percentage of vitamins, antioxidants, phytosterols and monounsaturated fatty acids, a nutritional composition that makes it…

Biancomodena white condiment

Burrata is a stringy cheese typical of the Puglia region, highly appreciated for its texture and flavor. Our burrata stands out for its mozzarella outer layer (buffalo or cow) and for its creamy heart, made up of stracciatella; the outer layer is soft and has the good taste of slightly sour fresh milk typical of…

Biancomodena white condiment

A mix of flavors that recalls the Italian summer. We use ingredients of the highest quality, releasing all the essence of the sea: octopus, squid, cuttlefish, shrimp and mussels, combined with the scent of parsley and a marinade of sunflower oil, vinegar and garlic. It smells like the sea, with an intense flavor of molluscs…

Biancomodena white condiment

The medium brown rice is a variety born from the cross between an Asian black rice and an Italian rice. Its grains are ebony-black in color, due to the dark pigments of the outer hull where the anthocyanins –  precious antioxidants – are concentrated. It is delicate in flavor and aroma. Black rice is naturally…

Biancomodena white condiment

The secret of Casa Rinaldi’s Panettone lies in the high quality ingredients. It is soft, fragrant and has a highly digestible heart – made from mother yeast, refreshed and regenerated daily. To create a unique dough, the mother yeast is combined with very high quality flours to guarantee a soft and fragrant dessert. Another fundamental…

Biancomodena white condiment

When the goodness of burrata meets the softness of ricotta, there is Burrotta: a real explosion of taste, a signature of our creativity. Our Burrotta is completely handmade. It is soft and delicious, with a distinctive personality and a tasty heart, available in three variants: classic –characterized by the typical milky flavor–, with truffles –elegant…

Biancomodena white condiment

Casa Rinaldi’s 100% Italian organic lemon juice is made exclusively from the best Sicilian lemons. It is pasteurized and free of sugar and dyes. The high amount of vitamin C determines its high antioxidant power, promotes the absorption of iron and is an excellent ally for strengthening the immune system. It is liquid, with an…

Biancomodena white condiment

The fish is selected, cleaned and cooked respecting its innate delicacy. This is Casa Rinaldi cuttlefish in sunflower seed oil: tender, with a shellfish flavor, enriched by garlic and parsley.