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Cuttlefish in sunflower seed oil

The fish is selected, cleaned and cooked respecting its innate delicacy. This is Casa Rinaldi cuttlefish in sunflower seed oil: tender, with a shellfish flavor, enriched by garlic and parsley.

Cuttlefish in sunflower seed oil

Casa Rinaldi’s white truffle flavored condiment with olive oil is made from combining a blend of European olives with the natural aroma of white truffle – and garnished with the flakes of the precious truffle itself. This oil represents a technical innovation in the flavored oil market, an excellence also recognized by a jury of…

Cuttlefish in sunflower seed oil

We have added to the three ingredients of the classic ciappe (water, flour and extra virgin olive oil) an ingredient with a strong taste and intense aroma: black olives. These crunchy sheets are a perfect alternative to bread and add a touch of taste to many different dishes.

Cuttlefish in sunflower seed oil

We have added to the three ingredients of the classic ciappe (water, flour and EVO oil) an aromatic and tasty ingredient much appreciated in Mediterranean cuisine: rosemary. These crunchy sheets are a perfect alternative to bread and add a touch of taste to many different dishes.

Cuttlefish in sunflower seed oil

The most classic version of Ciappe: with only three ingredients, water, flour and EVO oil, we create a fragrant and crunchy product with a unique taste. These are a perfect alternative to bread and add a touch of taste and crunchiness to many different dishes.

Cuttlefish in sunflower seed oil

The classic version of Gris Party, in which you can appreciate the delicate taste of extra virgin olive oil. They are a perfect alternative to bread as an accompaniment to meats, cheeses, salads; they are ideal as appetizers and snacks.

Cuttlefish in sunflower seed oil

A new variant of Gris Party characterized by the aromatic and herbaceous flavor of fennel seeds. They are a perfect alternative to bread as an accompaniment to meats, cheeses, salads; they are ideal as appetizers and snacks.

Cuttlefish in sunflower seed oil

Gris Party are small crumbly, very tasty, breadsticks that are enriched by the presence of tomato and oregano for a Mediterranean flavor. They are a perfect alternative to bread as an accompaniment to meats, cheeses, salads; they are ideal as appetizers and snacks.

Cuttlefish in sunflower seed oil

Pandoro is a typical dessert from Verona, and one of the most popular Christmas desserts in Italy. Its name comes from the Venetian “pan de oro”, which means “golden bread”. It is very soft, with a light brown color  outside and a golden color inside. It generally has an eight-pointed star shape. It has a…

Cuttlefish in sunflower seed oil

Gris Party mini breadsticks with garlic and chili pepper, with an intense aroma and taste. They are a perfect alternative to bread as an accompaniment to meats, cheeses, salads; they are ideal as appetizers and snacks.