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Panettone with chocolate chips filled with salted caramel cream

Cantucci are dry almond biscuits typical of the Tuscan tradition, made by cutting the loaf of dough into slices while still hot. We use 25% of almonds, in order to obtain a crumbly biscuit with a unique crunchiness. Each Casa Rinaldi Cantuccino has a golden upper surface, with an internal structure characterized by a high…

Panettone with chocolate chips filled with salted caramel cream

“The Classics” box set combines Italian tradition with a genuine, refined and polished look. It is made up of one bottle of our 100% Italian extra virgin olive oil and our delicious Modena balsamic vinegar: a perfect gift for special events, made pleasant to the eye by its steel display stand. The characteristic fragrance and…

Panettone with chocolate chips filled with salted caramel cream

Casa Rinaldi’s anchovy fillets are handcrafted using the ancient handmade method, as required by tradition: the anchovies are salted, deboned and marinated in extra virgin olive oil. We at Casa Rinaldi have decided to make this product unique by adding extra virgin olive oil instead of seed oil. Carefully cleaned, medium sized, these anchovies are…

Panettone with chocolate chips filled with salted caramel cream

The traditional green pesto from Genova has fresh DOP basil as its main ingredient. Casa Rinaldi has created its own version starting from the original recipe, carefully selecting the best specialized suppliers throughout the Italian territory. The strong flavor, combined with the bright green color, testifies the very high percentage of basil in our pesto….

Panettone with chocolate chips filled with salted caramel cream

Italian carnaroli Rice is acknowledged by experts and chefs as the true “king of rices”. It was born in 1945 from Vialone and Lecino rice varieties but its real value is registered around the ‘80s of last century, when it was saved from extinction. Carnaroli rice is often described as “superfino” and has large (bigger…

Panettone with chocolate chips filled with salted caramel cream

Parmigiano Reggiano is one of the most popular aged cheeses in the world, easily recognizable by the marks of origin on the cheese wheel. Its uniqueness is linked to its ancient history: it is still produced in the same regions, with the same ingredients, method and passion of a thousand years ago. This cheese is…

Panettone with chocolate chips filled with salted caramel cream

Parma ham PDO is produced according to tradition, long expertise and  highest quality materials research. It is exclusively made in Parma province, whose specific climatic conditions are essential for the curing phase. The result is a product with an intense red color and a concentrated flavor, soft and fleshy, extremely tasty: a worldwide success.

Panettone with chocolate chips filled with salted caramel cream

Traditional balsamic vinegar of Modena “Extra Vecchio” is a vinegar of great value, obtained from an aging process of at least 25 years. This condiment is the result of the particular characteristics and variety of grapes typically grown in the Modena city area and the inimitable art of cooking the musts, followed by the process…