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27 September 2024


Casa Rinaldi took part with great satisfaction in the 28th edition of Gulfood. The 2023 edition was held at the Dubai World Trade Center from 20 to 24 February. This edition marked a great recovery and record turnout numbers after the standstill caused by the pandemic. This confirmed Gulfood as the most important fair dedicated to the food sector in the Gulf and the Middle East.

The United Arab Emirates represent an important partner for Italian exports with increasing attention to our food products of which they appreciate the high-quality level. Indeed, in November 2022, Italian F&B exports to the United Arab Emirates increased by +46% on an annual basis, reaching the record figure of 381 million euros.

It is in this context, also strengthened by the fundamental role of the UAE as an international distribution hub and food re-exporter, that Casa Rinaldi has decided to invest to increase its presence and recognition in this important market.
During the 2023 edition, the product lines that received the most attention were the flavored oils and the snack lines, both sweet and savory.